The domain name sold for a cool 3 million USD. The large sized Vodka Hanoi featured above sells for 3 USD (VND 50,000). I was never one for Vodka, esp. after my freshman year of college when I had too much of it, blacked out, fell in a pond and woke up in an abandoned house. But since living in Vietnam, its been my liquor of choice as it is cheap; and, Vietnam makes good Vodka, possibly because of its ties to the former Soviet Union during the Cold War. If you're into strong liquors, I suggest Vodka Hanoi. Why pay outrageous prices for imports? Or, buy an over-priced boutique Vodka that marketers have been pushing on the public. Just be careful of fakes, which I've heard exist. I wouldn't know how one might tell the difference before sampling given how well fakes are made nowadays. Just be aware they do exist. Either, buy from one of the larger supermarkets, or buy from the same place where you've build up some rappor, which was what I did. [Note: The small sized Vodka has less alcohol content than the large sized one (25% vs. the 40% I believe)]. Buy some to take home as they make a nice gift, but don't wait to buy at the airport where the prices are double.
Price: Large Vodka bottle VND 50,000 (3 USD); Small Vodka bottle VND 27,000 (1.5 UD)